Girl Scouts events at the Poe Center educate scouts on a variety of health-related topics and issues!

Girl Scouts may work towards earning their badge(s) while gaining a deeper understanding of puberty and development, the importance of proper nutrition and exercise, and the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco use. This section of our website is designed primarily as a place where scouts, troop leaders and families can come to learn about our Girl Scouts events, find answers to certain health-related questions and obtain fun and exciting resources to help Girl Scouts develop the skills they need to survive and thrive!

Contact Lauren McCallum Sewell to customize a cooking program or badge program for your troop.

Register HERE for upcoming Girl Scout events.

Troops may also individually schedule one of Poe’s MANY programs listed in our Program Directory at the Poe Center, online, or offsite.

  • Body Talk

    Schedule this program for: Kindergarten1st Grade

    It’s time to be explorers! Meet Mr. Big Mouth while exploring your way to a “Super Smile” by learning how to properly brush and floss away Sugar Bugs. Daisies explore MyPlate, and learn the importance of choosing healthy snacks, engaging in regular physical activity and getting enough sleep. Daisies also have an opportunity to visit the PlayWELL Park and climb a nutrition wall, weave through a healthy choices maze, zip down a tongue slide, balance on a giant skeleton, navigate a nerve net and much, much more! Grade Level: Girl Scouts Daisy Program Length: 2.5 hours, includes time on PlayWELL Park (minimum of 25 participants)

  • My Senses & Me

    Schedule this program for: 2nd Grade3rd Grade

    Brownies will explore the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) and the associated organs-both in the General Health Theater and outside at the PlayWELL Park! Brownies can zip from ear-to-ear, slip down the artery slides, and learn about the important role of the brain in physical activity and coordination! Grade Level: Girl Scouts Brownie Program Length: 3 hours, includes time on PlayWELL Park (minimum of 25 participants) Sign up HERE

  • Girl Talk

    Schedule this program for: 4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade

    Girl Talk addresses the timely topic of adolescent growth and development and the physical, social, and emotional changes that girls experience during puberty. 3-D exhibits, hands-on activities, and candid discussions help help daughters and their caregivers explore a range of topics from the workings of the reproductive system to the menstrual cycle to feminine hygiene protection and more. This program is for mothers and daughters or trusted adults and daughters. *If you are interested in scheduling or would like more information please email Family Life Senior Director Robin Pittman or call 919-231-4006 ext. 322. Grade Level: Girl Scouts Junior Program Length: 2 hours (minimum of 25 participants) Sign up HERE

  • Girl Talk 2

    Schedule this program for: 6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade

    Girl Talk 2 is a unique workshop designed for middle school-aged girls and their caregivers. This interactive workshop expands upon the information from Girl Talk 1 related to the growth and development girls experience during puberty, including the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems and the way they work together throughout the processes of fertilization and conception. In addition, sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, as well as abstinence and other methods of prevention, are introduced. Regarding the social and emotional changes that come with puberty, concepts related to internet and social media safety, peer pressure, boundaries and consent, and healthy relationships are addressed. The program has been designed with activities that facilitate and encourage open parent-child/ caregiver-child communication both during the program at Poe and into the future. Recommended prerequisite is Girl Talk 1. This program is for mothers and daughters or trusted adults and daughters. *If you are interested in scheduling or would like more information please email Family Life Senior Director Robin Pittman or call 919-231-4006 ext. 322. Grade Level: Girl Scouts Cadette Program Length: 90 minutes (minimum of 25 participants)

  • Stress Less

    Schedule this program for: 9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade

    Cadets and Seniors will learn how to define stress and its various forms, as well as developing the tools necessary to cope with stress in a healthy way: exercise, keep a journal, find music that helps them relax, practice breathing techniques, or create a personal stress kit filled with cartoons, photos, a picture of a peaceful scene, a squeeze ball, or the scent of lavender. Participants will explore the facets of what makes a healthy relationship. Setting and communicating personal boundaries, identifying warning signs of unhealthy relationships, and identifying societal influences that impact relationships are discussed through engaging activities, multimedia, and thoughtful reflection. Grade Level: Girl Scouts Cadette & Senior Program Length: 90 minutes to 2 hours (minimum of 25 participants) Sign up HERE