Health Wise participants attend grocery store tour in Zebulon, NC

By: Shannon Grainger and Ashton Mudd

In a community known by its citizens and the residents of surrounding areas as “the town of friendly people”, the local Food Lion in Zebulon, NC is living proof of the appropriateness of that phrase.  On Friday, May 28th, thirteen members of the Health Wise class visited the Food Lion in Zebulon.  The goal of the tour was to apply the nutrition lessons being taught in Health Wise which is lead by Poe Center for Health Education program manager and registered dietitian, Natalie Taft, RD, LDN.

Health Wise is a comprehensive education program to promote healthy aging for older adults through the Zebulon Community Center.  The 7-week series consists of 14 educational sessions designed to address issues important to older adults, such as nutrition, physical activity, meal planning, chronic disease awareness and prevention, communicating with healthcare providers and brain fitness.  Participants will inspire friends, family and fellow community members to adopt healthier lifestyle habits.  The Poe Center is proud to offer Health Wise and other health education programs with support from Wake County Human Services in collaboration with the Town of Zebulon Parks and Recreation Department.

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