Nutrition & Physical ActivityClassroom Calendar

Research shows that kids who are physically active and eat well learn better. The Poe Center has created this calendar with that in mind.

Developed based on teacher feedback, this calendar features useful health information along with easy-to-use classroom activities designed to integrate nutrition and physical activity into the classroom throughout the year.

We encourage you to share this resource with teachers, other educators, parents, etc.


We have provided a list of resources and references used to develop the calendar. Each month also features extra activities to do with your students.

Image of the cover of the 2024-2025 Nutrition and Physical Activity Classroom Calendar as well as a sample page, from inside the calendar.
October 2024 Nutrition Calendar. Bottom half of page holds october 2024 calendar grid. Top half of page is about mental wellness and how you can maintain mental wellness through mindfulness, exercise, sleep, and more. Left column of page has suggested yoga and meditation activities.